
Tuesday 3 June 2014

I am motivated

Motivation that I'm trying to find is hard
especially when people don't understand your intellectual mind but give them time and maybe they might appreciate fine art in the winter like my young retro girl Serena...
when you think all is lost in a generation that don't understand poetry
one steps out and tells a story that means more than exam that border the mind of young people in year 10 and in year 11
soo thanks for giving me a ledge so I could jump off now my mind is lost filled with a pen, a paper and a mind coated with dark/happy thoughts


Empty promises

I'd rather be heard then seen lord they won't catch me slipping,I'd rather cover my face and face the facts that they wouldn't miss me if I passed away, cause I was repping a post code that my mother pays not knowing the affects that might have on her face when she's burying me in a empty grave of regrets and potential that seediest to exist 'empty promises'